Monday, November 16, 2009

"At the Teacher's Desk"

I loved watching the video of Fundreds. I have not ever heard of this and was not aware of the lead problem in New Orleans. I find this to be a very unique way to raise awareness. If I was a teacher right now, I just might have to join this project with my class.
Looking around this blog, I found several videos and many posts. I was reading the information underneath the Fundred video that was very informative. It is going to cost 300 million dollars to transform New Orleans from the lead problem. So, in exchange, the students around the country are making "fundreds" to present to Congress. The lead can lead to unsafe medical conditions that need to be resolved. I see this to be a major problem and would love to help.
Mr. Miller has presented a goal to his class. If they reach 2,500 hits on their blog, then he will not assign the students any homework. For a student, I am sure they are trying to get the word out. Another post talked about how hard it was to get the word out. There are many teachers who do not teach with technology, which in turn causes them not to be aware of what is going on all around them. One person added that it is important to post regularly.
I feel that the professional blog is important to help communicate. One teacher can gain information from another and they may be half a world away from one another. You can also help one another in ways like the "fundred" project. It is a great way to spread important issues, raising awareness to those who do not know like myself.Click Here


  1. I wanted to send the idea to my son's school, but it was too late. Darn!

  2. 'Fundred' is a great idea is is not? And Autumn I agree, blogging is a great way to communicate.

  3. Omg, was this not a great idea. I think all schools should participate. Maybe it will make students more grateful. I was really touched.
