Thursday, November 26, 2009

My PLN for EDM 310

My personal learning network has grown since taking Dr. Strange's EDM 310 class. In fact, it was not even in existence til this class. As I have began to learn more about technology in general, I have also learned that you leave a trail when you enter into the technology world. For starters, I have learned to create blogs. In class, I have created my own class blog and professional blog. People can follow me on these two sites. I have also gained knowledge of Google docs. Never before have I used any type of presentation material from Google. I can send forms and documents from here. Another tool I have used for PLN is Skype. I have widened my network by being able to talk with relatives and friends absolutely free! In Comments for Kids, I have been able to participate in posts that have been in other parts of the world. You never know what kind of influence you will have on one of the kids by leaving them comments. I plan on having some type of project like this for my classroom. I am sure the kids enjoy receiving the comments. I would like to use the class blog also for my classroom. I feel this is a great way to keep the communication open with the parents. It will also help the kids to know what is coming due, such as exams and projects.

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