Monday, October 19, 2009

Post on "Dear Kaia"

click hereDear Kaia
In my watching and reading "Dear Kaia", I was greatly impressed with the step that this father took. I am a parent and treasure these moments with my little boys. It still amazes me that you can Skype from Qatar to Missouri, like you are close by one another. The technology is so over my head, but it is amazing! I liked the fact that this father let Kaia take her own photos in the story. This lets her be a part of the blog. As a future teacher, I feel that it is a good idea for parents to get involved in their children's computer activities. If a child has a class blog, then the parent could get on the blog and keep up with what is going on in the classroom.


  1. I think blogging would be a convenient for busy parents to check their child's homework and class assignments on a blog. Also, this will allow the parent to keep communication lines open with the teachers.

  2. So you will be a blogging teacher? I hope so!

  3. Actually, using skype is pretty easy. I bet you could figure it out in less than ten minutes. Then the whole world can open up to you! Sounds like ten minutes well spent to me.
    Mr. C
